The Cooperation of the "Adelaide" Farm with the USAID AGRO Program

After the occupation of the Kherson region, the Adelaide farm lost about 75% of its production capacity. Fortunately, the farm still had lands in the Zhytomyr region, so they relocated their workers there and began to restore operations. However, despite losing property in the Kherson region, the loans taken to acquire that property remained. Restarting operations under such conditions was very difficult. Many farmers from frontline regions found themselves in a similar situation - without property, but with loans. Solutions had to be sought at the legislative level. Experts from the USAID AGRO Program's project to support affected agricultural producers, implemented by the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, helped in this regard. The story of Sergey Rybalko, the head of the Adelaide farm, which continues to operate despite all difficulties, can be seen in the video.