Our farm provided a comment for Suspilne Zhytomyr

Our farm provided a comment for Suspilne Zhytomyr regarding the current situation in the potato market. We discussed this year's prices, the specifics of growing and harvesting potatoes, and the important role of irrigation in maintaining the crop during drought conditions. 💧
As always, we are doing everything possible to ensure high-quality products and stable supply to the market. 🥔

The "Adelaide" Farm Announces the Start of the 2024-2025 Seed Potato Sales Season

The "Adelaide" Farm Announces the Start of the 2024-2025 Seed Potato Sales Season

Dear customers, we are pleased to inform you that our online store has already opened pre-orders for first and second generation seed potatoes from the new 2024 harvest.

Farm "Adelaida" has successfully undergone testing and has been included in the state register of seed farms in Ukraine

FG "Adelaida" has successfully undergone testing and has been included in the state register of seed farms in Ukraine

The farm "Adelaida" informs its customers that it has successfully undergone testing at the State Center for Certification and Expertise of Agricultural Products for potato seeds for the 2024-2025 season. Our farm has been included in the state register of seed farms in Ukraine. For each variety of seed potatoes that will be sold, state-standard certificates of conformity to the declared characteristics have been obtained, specifically confirming that the variety and reproduction meet the declared specifications.

The Cooperation of the "Adelaide" Farm with the USAID AGRO Program

After the occupation of the Kherson region, the Adelaide farm lost about 75% of its production capacity. Fortunately, the farm still had lands in the Zhytomyr region, so they relocated their workers there and began to restore operations. However, despite losing property in the Kherson region, the loans taken to acquire that property remained. Restarting operations under such conditions was very difficult. Many farmers from frontline regions found themselves in a similar situation - without property, but with loans. Solutions had to be sought at the legislative level. Experts from the USAID AGRO Program's project to support affected agricultural producers, implemented by the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, helped in this regard. The story of Sergey Rybalko, the head of the Adelaide farm, which continues to operate despite all difficulties, can be seen in the video.


Adelaide Farm has completed planting potatoes for the new 2024 harvest

Adelaide Farm has completed planting potatoes for the new 2024 harvest.

Adelaide Farm is pleased to announce the completion of potato planting for the new 2024 harvest. This year, spring brought numerous weather challenges to the farmers in the Zhytomyr region, causing delays in the planting of vegetable crops. Despite these difficulties, our team successfully overcame these obstacles and completed the work.

Conclusion of the seed potato season of the 2023 harvest.

Conclusion of the seed potato season of the 2023 harvest.

Farm  "Adelaida" announces the conclusion of the sale season for seed potatoes of the 2023 harvest due to the depletion of inventory.

We are concluding this season with the highest sales figures of seed material throughout the existence of our online store. This became possible thanks to the coordinated work of the farm team, which ensured timely order formation for postal shipments, thus ensuring a large share of repeat orders from satisfied customers.

We thank all our customers for their trust!