The "Adelaide" Farm Announces the Start of the 2024-2025 Seed Potato Sales Season

The "Adelaide" Farm Announces the Start of the 2024-2025 Seed Potato Sales Season

Dear customers, we are pleased to inform you that our online store has already opened pre-orders for first and second generation seed potatoes from the new 2024 harvest.


Potato harvesting will begin in the 20th of August. After that, the harvested seed potatoes will be moved to our specialized potato storage facility, where, under optimal temperature conditions and expert supervision, they will undergo a "healing" period lasting two months. This stage is necessary to bring the potato tubers into a state of dormancy for long-term storage and to heal any possible mechanical damage that may occur during harvesting.

Please note that the shipping of pre-ordered seed material will not start before October 2024.

We also remind you that all our seeds available for order have successfully passed varietal testing at the State Enterprise "State Center for Certification and Examination of Agricultural Products" and have been included in the Seed Register of Ukraine for the 2024-2025 season.

With best wishes,
The "Adelaide" Farm.