Under the right storage conditions, the fresh vegetable can be enjoyed in the spring. Methods for storing potatoes depend on the scale of production, if these are growing enterprises, potatoes are stored in specially equipped storage facilities, if these are small volumes they are stored at home, but the principles themselves remain the same.
Preparation for put in storage
Potatoes must be carefully sorted before being put into storage. It is necessary to prevent falling into the total mass of tubers damaged by diseases and pests, cut, broken, etc. Also, before laying, the potatoes must be dried in the open air for several hours.
This contributes to the keratinization of the peel, increases the resistance of potatoes to mechanical damage, and inhibits the development of pathogens.
Optimal storage mode
During storage, the following main periods are distinguished: therapeutic, the period of temperature decrease, and the main one.
The treatment period begins immediately after harvesting and lasts from 5 days to 3 weeks, depending on the degree of maturation and the presence of mechanical damage. The maximum treatment period of about 20 days should be carried out when the temperature is 11 - 13 °C, it can be reduced to 10 days when the storage temperature is 17 - 19 °C.
After the end of the treatment period, the smooth transition to the decrease in temperature occurs. During this, the temperature from 15-18 °C must be reduced to 2-4 °C. The rate of temperature decrease is 0.5 °C per day. The duration of the period of temperature decrease also depends on the variety.
The later the variety ripens, the longer the period of decline lasts. After reaching optimal performance, the main storage period begins. At 2 - 4 ° C, all biochemical and physiological processes inside the tubers are inhibited.
In winter, the state of deep dormancy of the tubers begins. The relative humidity of the air has a great influence on the safety of potatoes. The optimal performance here becomes 90 - 95%. The increase in humidity stimulates the formation of sprouts, which is not acceptable. The increase of more than 95% leads to the formation of moisture droplets on the surface of the tubers and, as a result, causes the development of diseases and loss of yield.
Storage of potatoes in the winter in the cellar
In villages, potatoes are stored in cellars, which are equipped with exhaust ventilation. The cellar must have good thermal insulation, i.e. protect the crop in winter from hypothermia and in other periods of the year from high temperatures.
The best material for external insulation is foam; for internal waterproofing, it is better to use hot bitumen, gluing with roofing material or polyethylene materials.
The cellar or basement must have excellent ventilation, which will ensure the removal of excess moisture and maintain the required temperatures. So the supply pipe should be 0.5 m above the floor, and its upper end 0.5 - 0.8 m above ground level. The exhaust pipe should originate from the ceiling and be 2.3 meters higher than the supply pipe. The greater the height difference, the higher the level of air exchange.
Storing potatoes on the balcony
Many people harvest potatoes from the fall and store them in the winter on the balcony or loggia. The camera should take up space on the balcony so as not to close the window. The storage box is insulated with foam plastic 10-15 cm thick. Inside, the chamber is lined with organoplastic, clapboard or materials with waterproofing properties.
To maintain the temperature, 2 blue bulbs with the power of 40-60 watts are installed, it is also necessary to install the thermometer for control. On opposite sides, the supply pipe is installed to the floor, and the exhaust pipe is installed in the top cover. The storage box is equipped with shelves for products. It is also necessary to control the temperature in winter not to let it drop to +2 °C or rise above +5 °C.
Also in the apartment or on the insulated balcony, you can arrange the small potato storage, which is the bedside table. The tubers are loaded through the top cover, and taken out from under the bottom, to which the reflective board is attached at the angle. When the lid is slightly open, the board holds the potatoes so that they do not get enough sleep.
The lower ball of tubers is poured out for needs, and the upper one is replenished with fresh potatoes, thus there is the constant renewal.