Изображение сорта картофеля РивьераСорт картофеля Ривьера
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I want to buy potatoes from you for planting. How to do it?

Thank you for your choice.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Through the Internet with delivery by a transport company. To do this, you need to place an order on our website or by one of the phones:
    • +38(067)551-85-36
    • +38(066)08-49-749
    and pay to a card or account of Privatbank (the card number / account will be indicated when placing an order). After receiving an advance payment from you, if there is no frost, we will transfer the potatoes to the transport company for delivery to the address specified in the order.

    The minimum order quantity is 20 kg per variety.

    Please note, that the cost of potatoes does NOT include the services of a transport company.

  • The second way is self-delivery from the warehouse. To do this, you need to call one of our warehouses, agree with the manager on the time of the visit, the amount of seed required, and arrive at the warehouse at the appointed time.

Characteristics of the Riviera potato variety

Riviera seed potato is one of the most popular potato varieties in Ukraine. It has no equal in ultra-early cultivation, especially under agrofibre.

Riviera seed potatoes are a unique, ultra-early potato variety. This variety was bred in the Netherlands by the Agrico company, the world potato leader in the field of selection and propagation of seed potatoes. 80% of all potatoes in Ukraine, which we consume in May-June, are the Riviera variety. Due to the unique characteristics of the Riviera seed potato, it is grown in all regions without exception, both for early harvest and late harvest.

Benefits of Riviera Seed Potatoes

The main advantage of the Riviera variety is that on the 40th day after germination, you can get a crop of 20-25 tons per hectare. That is why this potato is so popular among farmers and villagers of the Kherson and Transcarpathian regions. If you continue the growing season for another 15-20 days, you can get a crop of up to 40 tons per hectare.

Any housewife will like the view of the Riviera - large, even-sized light yellow tubers with a strong skin, shallow sprouts and light yellow flesh. The washed Riviera has a good presentation and even with an unstable peel, it does not darken in damaged areas.

A unique feature for such an early variety is the fact that the potato does not actually bloom and has a powerful haulm. Since potatoes grow and develop quickly, they are suitable for minimal use of chemical protection. Riviera seed potatoes are resistant to metribuzin (Zenkor) and are therefore very easy to control weeds when grown.

Description and characteristics - potato variety Riviera

Form: oval Eye depth: very little
The size: big Peel: smooth
Quantity in nest: big Flesh color: light yellow
Skin color: light yellow Potato yield: significant
Quantity in a bush: 9-12 pcs Average tuber weight: 70-130 g.
Output of marketable tubers: 90% Keeping quality : high

Features of growing seed potatoes Riviera

Riviera potatoes are very easy to grow and forgive many agronomic mistakes. This potato is sure to produce a crop even in any dry year.

It is clear that the Riviera potato, like any potato, responds very well to the application of mineral fertilizers. It is important that these mineral fertilizers are balanced, so nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be added. Moreover, the desired rate of nitrogen is 120 kg, phosphorus - 70 kg, potassium - 250 kg. This is the general recommendation for a crop of 40 tons per hectare, and it is clear that in each specific area or field these standards may vary depending on the quality of the soil.

Storage and preparation for planting

Before planting, Riviera seed potatoes must be moved to a warm room with a temperature of 12-15 degrees and placed in boxes that will receive light from all sides. It is very important that direct sunlight does not fall on the potatoes. This can significantly reduce the germination of your seeds. It is desirable that by the time of planting you have sprouts no larger than 1 cm in thickness and with a light green color. Then the Riviera warmed up properly.

If planting is delayed, potatoes should be kept at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees so that there is no overgrowth of sprouts. Remember that you can break off the first epistolary sprout. But if you break off the sprouts a few more times during the storage period of the potato, then the germination and yield of your potatoes will decrease significantly.

Proper germination of Riviera seed potato sprouts

Riviera is a variety that wakes up very quickly, and can sprout from autumn, if kept at high temperatures. This is very bad, so we recommend buying Riviera seed potatoes in autumn, when the price is lower, only for those who have the opportunity to keep the Riviera at least until February, without awakening the sprouts. There is a practice in our economy when people buy in the fall and leave it in our storage. The price, together with the storage fee, is still cheaper than buying a Riviera in the spring.

In recent years, we have seen a picture when the sprouts of Riviera seed potatoes are both white and light pink in color. There were even disputes with buyers who believed that this could not be. We asked for advice from the originators in Holland, who confirmed that if the seeds are grown in severe conditions of high temperature or drought, then yes - anomalies are possible. At the time of planting, the average daily temperature of the soil (ground) should be at least 8 degrees.

However, there is experience when Riviera potatoes developed well, unlike other varieties, and when planting, when the soil temperature was 4 degrees. The reason is that the powerful energy of the Riviera variety allows potatoes to develop even at low temperatures. This is one of the reasons why potatoes are suitable for early harvest. In the future, Riviera potatoes will develop and grow rapidly.

Описание устойчивости к болезням картофеля Ривьера

Nematodes: Ro1, Ro4 Brown patch: normal
Black wart of potato: D1 Late blight of tubers: sensitive
Black leg of potato: medium to high Late blight of tops: sensitive
Rust spot: high Virus Y: fairly stable
Potato scab: sensitive Virus PVYn: big


Culinary qualities

The Riviera potato variety is the national standard in its ripeness group. Riviera is best suited for cooking. Culinary type B.

Variety: Medium
Taste qualities: 7/10
Starch content: 11,2%

Riviera, best suited for cooking.


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