Potato dishes in Ukraine, secrets and recommendations

Potatoes are the second bread!

We all love potatoes brought to us by Peter the Great. Moreover, we can’t even imagine how we would live without potato dishes in our daily diet! Would we really eat rutabaga and turnips?

Continuing the traditions of the ancestors, Adelaide FE grows healthy and high-quality potatoes in the south of Ukraine. The main fields on which marketable potatoes ripen are located in the area of Chulakovka Village, Kherson Region since 1992.

Producing our high-quality products, we, of course, studied how it is used by the people, or, more simply, how exactly dishes are prepared from potatoes of our production.

Popular recipes of potato dishes in Ukraine

In autumn, potato dishes with mushrooms are in the lead. This potato dish is universal both during fasting and during diet! Potatoes with mushrooms can be baked in the oven (if desired, pour with sour cream or mayonnaise), or simply fried. This potato dish is especially fragrant with those mushrooms that are collected with one's own hands. However, if there are no forest gifts on the farm, then the housewives use store-bought mushrooms - oyster mushrooms or champignons. This is more economical, and more often safer.

The undisputed favorite among the combined flavors of potato dishes is potatoes with meat.Potato dishes

And how many types of "Potatoes with meat" exist in Ukrainian cuisine! Simple fried potatoes with meat, baked in the oven, with the addition of cheese and mayonnaise.

Without spending a lot of time, you can cook an excellent homemade potato dish. Meat for these dishes is selected by each housewife according to her taste. It can be beef, pork, chicken or lamb. These potato dishes with meat fill the body with energy for the working day.

Potato with chicken, common daily potato dish.

In terms of taste, chicken is softer, faster cooking, less high-calorie. There are a lot of recipes for dishes from potatoes with chicken: baked in the oven potatoes with chicken, potatoes in pots with chicken and mushrooms and simple boiled potatoes with chicken meat.

Potato dishes with meat in Ukraine

General secrets for cooking potatoes

  • Blue spots when boiling old potatoes can be eliminated by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the water per 1 kg of potatoes. This is and old cooking secret.
  • Potatoes can be baked in the oven, after piercing them with a fork so that they do not pop.
  • Peeled potatoes can be stored without water for no more than an hour, while the dishes are covered with a clean, damp kitchen towel.
  • So that the potatoes in the bag do not grow, put an apple in it.
  • Hot milk added to mashed potatoes for pancakes prevents them from browning.
  • New potatoes are easier to peel if kept in cold water for 5 minutes
  • Potatoes cut in half and sprinkled with baking soda can quickly and qualitatively clean a smoked pan.
  • So that the potato dish does not crack during baking, first rub it with olive, sunflower oil or lard.
  • To make such a potato dish as pancakes, grated potatoes must be squeezed well, otherwise the dough will be watery. In addition to onions and eggs, you can add flour (1 tablespoon per 500 g of potatoes). Well-heated vegetable oil should be used. Flip the pancakes when the edges turn golden brown.
  • Frozen potatoes can also be used for cooking, for this you need to lower them into cold water for a minute, and then boil them in boiling water, adding 1 tsp of salt and vinegar.

Important factors for preparing potato dishes

Secrets of potato dishes in UkraineFor these indicated recipes for potato dishes, such a factor as the degree of overcooking of potatoes is important. For each potato variety of our production, this degree is known and studied. You can find out in advance what kind of potato dish you will get, how long you need to bake, boil, fry it, even at the stage of buying seeds for planting potatoes, or already when buying a marketable potato by asking the variety from the seller and checking the characteristics of this variety on our website.

Especially in order to help you decide which variety is best for your method of cooking potatoes, Adelaide FE held a special, serious tasting of the most popular table potato varieties.