Adelaida farm has started spring field work for the new season! 

We are pleased to inform that our farm has started spring field work for the new season! 

We know that many of you are looking forward to a new harvest, so we are working hard to provide you with quality seed material.




We are currently carrying out preparatory work for planting seeds. Our experts have made a detailed soil analysis to ensure optimal conditions for plants growth and development.

Our farm uses only modern technologies to grow a high-quality crop of seed potato varieties.

We closely monitor every stage of our plants development because we know how to grow quality products for our customers. We understand that you expect only the best from us, and we are ready to do everything possible to make you satisfied.

Our farm uses a precision farming system that allows us to pinpoint the location of machinery on the field.

This allows us to use the farm area efficiently and reduce the amount of fuel, fertilizers and plant protection products, as we can reduce the number of turns and unnecessary movements of machinery.

Another important technology is the use of an irrigation. This allows us to use water efficiently, which is especially important in conditions where it is limited. We can precisely dose the amount of water that plants receive, thereby providing them with optimal conditions for growth and development.

Another key to success is the use of ameliorants to equalize the pH of the soil to maximize the yield.

Our technology also includes the main types of soil preparation work: autumn plowing, spring cultivation, and the application of fertilizers and plant protection products.

We use modern methods of collecting and analyzing data on the yields of different zones in the fields, as well as special technologies that allow us to measure yields in different parts of the field. This enables us to make an accurate assessment of the potential yield in each area and reduce crop losses.