Getting started with irrigation

Getting started with irrigation

Irrigation is an important stage of potato cultivation, as this crop requires sufficient moisture for growth and development. It helps to ensure a constant level of moisture in the soil, reduce the impact of unfavorable weather conditions and increase yields.

Therefore, in response to climate change and to increased potato production, the Zhytomyr branch of Adelaide Farm began work on the construction of an irrigation system in 2023.


To build the irrigation system, our farm has conducted a preliminary soil analysis, developed a project, and is now purchasing the necessary equipment, such as sprinklers, pumping stations, pipelines, filters, and other materials.

In the process of building the irrigation system, we take into account the efficiency of water use, and in the future we will try to ensure its minimum consumption using modern technologies for water control and distribution.

Currently, there are drainage system channels in the fields of the farm, created in Soviet times, which are in a very poor condition after 30 years of neglect.

Adelaide Farm has planned and started cleaning and repairing both main and inter-farm canals. Special equipment (an excavator) from Kherson-based Mobile Mechanized Column No. 132 PJSC is involved in these works. The canals are currently being actively cleaned and repaired. It is also planned to repair the entire shut-off and water level control system.

All these measures will allow accumulating the necessary amount of water during crop irrigation periods and help avoid flooding of agricultural land in winter and spring.

The farm closely cooperates with the Water Management Department of Zvyagel and its head, Mr. Rudnev S.M.

In 2023, it is planned to irrigate 260 hectares of potatoes. For this purpose, 6 drum-type sprinklers and 6 diesel pumping stations will be purchased. In total, the fleet of sprinklers will include 7 units and 8 pumping stations.

Potato irrigation will additionally employ 13 people.

The irrigation works will increase potato production by 2000 tons. 

In general, the construction of a potato irrigation system is an important step towards increasing the efficiency of growing this crop and ensuring high quality of the harvest.